Granholm: All Supreme Court candidates ‘sensitive to women’s concerns’Blogprof then offers a fine take on Granholm’s lack of focus on what is truly important in picking a Supreme Court justice
President Barack Obama’s statements this week about seeking a Supreme Court nominee who is sensitive to women’s rights “does not necessarily” mean Gov. Jennifer Granholm will move up the list of possible nominees, the governor said today.
“I think everyone on that list is sensitive to women’s concerns,” Granholm said about the names in published reports said to be among those Obama is considering to replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens.
This is what infuriates me about today’s judiciary. Here we have the President and a potential pick that are ‘concerned about’ women’s ‘rights’/'issues’ when the only thing that should concern them is upholding the US Constitution!Absolutely! That IS all that matters. But Granholm, and identity politics addicts like her, are so obsessed with dividing people into groups. Blacks, Asian, Gay, Straight, Women, etc. that they miss the important issues. And no, gender, skin color, sexual orientation, are NOT that important. The folly of the Left is that they say they are desirous of a society that completely ignores color, or gender, yet by their actions, they make such a society nearly impossible.
If Granholm were to say, “I want nominees that are concerned with upholding Constitutional principles” she WOULD end up with a nominee that would be sensitive to all American’s constitutional rights, women included. But, Granholm, being a Leftist, cannot come to grips with this simple reality. Again, note that the Left obsesses over “equality” yet they do not want true equality. The equality they seek is an equality dictated by government insistent on enforcing “social justice”.
Social Justice, of course, is code for Marxism, and any honest student of history will tell you that there is no justice under Marxism. Rather than equality of opportunity, Marxism attempts to put “equality enforcement” in the hands of government, which, of course, leads to a nation that makes all equal by ultimately removing everyone’s liberty.
The ultimate roadblock Liberals cannot seem to bypass is that rights come not from government, but are inherited by each person at birth, the founders referred to these rights as Natural Rights. There is no right to equality of results, or social standing, or income, and a government seeking to supply such a right will, in the end trample all our liberties.
Cross Posted at The DaleyGator